Monday, November 26, 2007

something revelational at SGH

my department had the half day off to go see our dept i/c James @ SGH after his sinus operation.

when we entered, we saw his girlfriend, taking time off her teaching job just to accompany him, heard she was there for over 12 hours already.

after the operation, there would be bleeding coming out from the eye, the mouth and the nose. so you could imagine the mess it was.

however, the thing that touched me most was, the girl was so mentally strong, she just helped james wipe off the blood from his cotton-patched nose without any flinching, or any look of disgust, she helped swipe the blood-stained eye of his with a smile, and took the spitoon bowl when he needed to spit out the phelgm/blood and other salivary substances (that happened very often)

i looked at them and smiled in admiration. james is a lucky ass, for a girlfriend who cared so much to take time off her career. and to be able to joke freely, like she's his best friend.

no wonder The Matriach found it hard when my dad passed away, indeed marriage, or heck, relationships are when you find your bestfriend and you compliment each other and take time for each other.

i think that was real sweet and life taught me a damn good lesson about relationships today.

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