Sunday, August 12, 2007

post-party afterthought

the party was a blast somewhat.

i'm pretty much speechless now that i think back. i don't know whether that's a good thing or not.

so happy 20th to me!

thank you for growing up all these years, all one-fifth of a century old.
thank you for going through a breakup and holding in some of your emotions back.
thank you for moving past failures and picking yourself up.
thank you for coming out of the passive shell and be a leader.
thank you for enduring pain cause tough times don't last, tough men do.
thank you for knowing where your true friends are
thank you for learning things you'd never thought you'd learn
thank you for being a klutz at times cause you can only laugh at yourself in this lifetime
thank you for crying when you're down, you felt better after
thank you for laughing that unique laugh, that extinguishes any sorrow from others
thank you for coping with the unbearable pain of losing a member of the family, it made you stronger
thank you for bearing the grievances of others, patience developed from there
thank you for expecting less from others, they're bound to disappoint you someday
thank you for thinking alot, dreams, visions and ideas sprung forth from there
thank you for gossiping, it's therapeutic
thank you for eating, food for the soul and comforting to the heart
thank you for slimming down, it made you hotter
thank you for worrying, it makes Murphy's law more bearable.
thank you for identifying yourself as the unique one that everyone celebrates on 11th august (and a minor few that laments)


presents photos people and pictures are gonna be up next friday. thank you all for the presents and wellwishes. i know the theme was hard, but i'm glad you guys dressed up anyway (:

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