Saturday, September 29, 2007

13 random people

Can you name 13 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Anyone you're thinking of, in no order. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 13 people. Absolutely NO cheating and switching positions on the list, either! READY, START!

1. derrick kong
2. Mandy oh-so-gorgeous Soh
3. Mabel Wong
4. Lin Weiyin
5. Daryl
6. Alaric
7. "Daddy" Jeremy Wee
8. Aviel
9. Hifzan
10. Jason (THE pti)
11. Dominic
12. TSBF Leon
13. Kimbo

1. How did you meet 2?
(Mandy) oh, her? mmmm. i applied for a job during my final sem of my Poly days, apparently she was the senior b*tch in Instant Karma, and after a rough start, we're pretty tight (: my lovely karmic twin.

2. What would you do if you NEVER met 6?
(Alaric) i'd never understand the meaning of putting thought, sincerity and meaning and individuality to each gift given during a birthday. PS: he is extremely creative in his b'dae presents. gosh, if you had one, it's like a treasure already! oh oh, and i wouldn't know the word "chui" hehe.

3. What would you do if 2 and 9 dated?
(Mandy & Hifzan) HAHAHA. oh god, they'd have very tall dancers. club dancers that is (hiffy CAN bust a move on the dance floor)

4. Did you ever like 8?
(Aviel) i did. :) he's very nice.

5. Would 1 and 5 be a good couple?
(Daryl & Derrick) omg, they're dudes man, they're already buddies, so unless one of them changes their names to Patsy or Rose, then maybe not *wink*.

6. Is number 11 gay/lesbian?
(Dominic) i'm not so sure, but he's extremely uber-sexual. LOL.

7. Would you tell secrets to 5?
(Daryl) yup! he's one of the people in my circle, but pity he's always busy with school work (jiayou daryl!)

8. Do you know any of 1's family members?
(Derrick) oh yes, his mum's b'dae just passed a few weeks ago (happy birthday mrs kong!)

9. What's 10's favorite color?
i'd say PINK. LOL.

10. What would you do if 9 confessed he/she liked you?
(Hifzan) i wouldn't be surprised. everybody LOVES isaac. haha. -denial-

11. What language does 3 speak?
English, Chinese, Cantonese ( i heart! ), a unique laughter and of course, Bitch (it IS a language people!)

12. Who is 9 going out with?
(Hifzan) i think he's single. who wants an officer as their boyfriend? omgomg.

13. What grade is 12 in?
(TSBF Leon) he's studying in SMU.

14. When did you last see 7?
(Jeremy) Just a while back with Derrick, Mabel & Weiyin @ Lao Pa Sat for Supper, before that at Cini Subway having dinner.

15. What is 13's favorite band?
(Kimbo) Muse, Placebo etc..

16. Would you ever date 3?
(Mabel) no way, my big sister! how can oneeeee. tsk!

17. Is 1 hot?
(Derrick) many girls are attracted to him (yes yes derr, pls squeal, or ahem macho growl in delight! Haha)

18. Is 12 single?
(Leon) i'd assume so (update your status quo lar TSBF)

19. Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 1?
(Derrick) a serious long life friendship, yes. :) my mambo partner k!

20. Where does 8 go to school?
(Aviel) NTU comms.

21. What's 4's best physical feature?
(weiyin) her impersonation of people. okay tts not a best physical feature, but i love her skin, it's very smooth!

22. Are number 7 & 8 best friends?
(aviel & Jeremy) not really, they've seen each other around but don't talk to each other.

23. Is 8 a girl or boy?
(aviel) a boy!

24. Who is 2 in love with?
(mandy) her boyfriend/ fiance / husband-to-be and a friend of mine, JD.

25. What is your last memory of 7?
cracking jokes about derrick's unique laughing method while going up the escalator in heeren (it just happened today!)

26. Have you ever hooked up with 4?
(weiyin) ew no way! haha.

27. What is the funniest memory of 8?
(Aviel) oh yes fooling around with my camera @ subway PS.

28. What is your relationship with 6?
(Alaric) Fellow Rabbits and Fellow CCWA Boaters!

29. How old is 13?
(Kimbo) she's 19 this year!

30. How close are you with 1?
(derric) we're mambo partners and people watchers! unite!

31. Would you sleep with 12?

32. What is your favorite memory with 3?
(Mabel) walking around raffles place with her to get CCWA beach outing stuff, shopping for kong's present, beach road hotel for weili's farewell (being the only girl there!), Daryl's 21st. wow so many memories lar. omg. i hearts mabel! :D

33.Who's 11 best friends with?
(Dominic) mmmm i'm not that sure, but me him and jason are quite cool w each other (:

34. What's your favorite thing about 2?
I can be totally open with her.

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