Monday, September 17, 2007

from popthemusicdrug

back to primary school! please finish the sentences in the most coherent manner possible (25 marks)

i am not : feeling 100% good

i am: recovering from food poisoning since the Chalet (photos up soon)

i hurt: easily!

i love: unconditionally

i hate : being sick

i fear: my plan A not coming to past.

i hope: to be happy with no strings attached one day.

i play : with players.

i cry : at any happy endings of any movie (no matter how romantic it is)

i care: too much about the welfares of others that i overstep it sometimes.

i wish: i studied harder in poly, heck, i wish i studied harder for Os.

i always : say that i'll never repeat the same mistake twice.

i listen: to catchy beats and club-friendly remixes.

i sing: good enough.

i dance: like sex with clothes on.

i search: for an answer to life

i learn: things slowly

i feel: that we all should give a damn about others instead of ourselves all the time

i know: others better than i know myself

i succeed: rarely coz i don't put in the effort required.

i fail: at relationships.

i dream: whenever, wherever

i sleep: coz i need to, not because i want to. life's too short for siestas.

i wonder: where'll i be posted to?

i need: money, time and a guardian to push me from procrastinating =X

i want: to spend more time with my loved ones (u know who ya all are!)

i worry: that i'll never have the V shaped body i desire

i have: a charming wit (that is more obvious and vehemently manifests when i'm "sexually frustrated" quote unquote TSBF)
i fight: for justice

i wait: for things beyond my control and also, when i procrastinate. heh

i think: too much that it's unhealthy

i can't help the fact that: i'm empathic, too empathic that it can make you hurl

i stay: right in town. so call me out will you?

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