Friday, September 21, 2007

Paris Hilton has nothing on me.

can someone spell socialite?

yesterday was with the Herman-nator (haha) and CB [Company best = Sirius] in the afternoon at vivo, followed by family dinner @ home, followed by Dempsey Road's Ben & Jerry's with Bryan.

today went to do some checkups and Xrays (don't ask), followed by IKEA with mummy (for more mirrors, haha), then watched Chuck & Larry with Alex and then EQUINOX (OMG) with a very old friend (who's so generous he shall not be named)

and then, tomorrow, Lunch @ Paragon with Chrystal the cousin, then the CCWA family boaters are coming over at night for some chillout/pigout sessions.

i think i'm happy. (: pictures up tomorrow.

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