Monday, February 26, 2007

"eh, you Rainbow or Regular?"

now, after a thorough day of being bored stiff at The Cathay (yes, my laptop has officially crapped up due to hard disk failure and showing the all too often blue screen from hell. "your cpu has detected a problem ...") , I finally got to rest my all too weary (and achy) thighs and feet after the intensive boot camp.

Ever felt like you could meet up with a person all too often, and seem like you don't know the person at all? This is an all too familiar situation that most of us, wait, check that, ALL of us have been through. We may see that person everyday, be it in the workplace, school or common group gathering, but yet, know 2 hoots about the person's age, surname, or .. in some extreme cases, gender?

The need to open up is one thing, the need to be socially conscious is another. Brace yourself for another issue of musings, lyrical waxings, factual flotsam and .. information! *cue in dazzling lights*

To open up to a person is where you share your deep inner feelings, and when i mean that, i don't mean chowing on fallopian tubes or having your daily dosage of male protein, but rather, the exchange of opinion, the risk of letting others know your say on a delicate situation that might make or break friendship. That's the extreme, of course, more common examples are sharing (ranting) problems of relationships and social issues that are considered taboo if spoken to acquaintences. It may seem hard at first, but what might just be a problem solver to you, could be an opportunity for the other party to see you at your more vulnerable state and perhaps shine a light into your mentality that a potential friend could be at sight.

To be socially conscious does not need much sharing, it's rather being aware of the situation and the person whom you're communicating with. The need to realise the persons demography (race, gender, orientation, employment) is crucially essential lest you create a social faux pas.

Such an example is the mistake of metrosexuality as homosexuality and being anal about looks (pardon the pun), some men would really prim themselves out for a simple trip down to the wet market. They would buff their nails, ensure every follicle on their cleanly wiped head is down to it's strategic symmetrical formation. Their bags would be the non ruffly red plastic bags but rather, an ESPRIT bag at the most. Toting it on their shoulders whilst their LV handphone strap peeks out nicely.

Now, in a dinner party, the metro briefly explains his wash-by-the-numbers guide to great skin by showing that illustration mentioned above, and the typical unethical socially deprived unaninmous moron [TUS-DUM] (yes, that's you if you feel so) would probably have a conversation with the Metro that might something like this.

Metro: ... so that's how i usually go out for some saturday breakfast at the local wet market la.
TUS-DUM: orh, so you must do all that before you go out har? so mah fan
Metro: it may seem a bit frustrating to ensure proper hygiene and maintanence before going out, even if its to do mundane things such as a meal
TUS-DUM: har, u don't tink it's damn STUPID can? it's like, sian loh, must even change market bag to ESPRIT bag, very act-atas can?
Metro: well, a person should always try to have a level of ...
TUS-DUM: also har, why you wear tote? you gay meh? your wife know or not?
Metro: my wife is very well loved by me and i would have you know that i am heterosexual and i do not fancy man in any ..
TUS-DUM: really meh? sure orh not? ask you har. You Rainbow or Regular?
Metro: i'm sorry?
TUS-DUM: Rainbow or Regular. thought you gay one u should know?
Metro: i don't and i'm not gay by the way.
TUS-DUM: aiya, Rainbow is like Brokeback mountain loh, go fishing with 2 rods instead of one. Regular is Tammy lar.

and of course through this conversation, many evidences show that TUS-DUM is definitely a man that lacks General Knowledge (i'm sure through many articles and means of information does the general public know that metrosexuality is USUALLY a hetero man being well groomed) and also, the lack of the basic background biography of Mr. "Metro". A little knowledge could go a long way, and save a hell lot of face.

This may not happen so much, but trust me, the biggest ignoramus could be sitting next to you, at your workplace who puts his pencils up his nose, or the noisy uni mate that makes sexual noises when he pees.

Watch it, or you may get TUS-DUM-ed!

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